Wednesday, August 31, 2011

US tells Marines to stop farting....

Story HERE

The Kardashian Honeymoon....

Kate Hudson's PDA's give some people a headache it seems...

David Arquette ...this might be good....

How MTV Stars spend their cash

Story HERE

We like candles...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Divorce in T- Minus 365

I'd like to think he is acting...but I think NOT...


"Some people think Gadhafi will go into exile somewhere harmless where we can keep an eye on him. I'm thinking 'Dancing With the Stars.' " -- Craig Ferguson

95 and Stung 400 times...

Story HERE

Clowns Rob Jewelry Store

Story HERE

Still and always ...A DICK

Story HERE

Monday, August 29, 2011

Carrie Fisher dropped some baggage....

Jury sides with DR in Penis case....

Story HERE

Vacation Junkie?

Story HERE

X-Men extended scene....

Drama Queen

Chaz Bono now has beard....

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Pirates of the WTF?

Bill's a VEGAN...the world's about to end...

Story HERE

What's he smoking....?

RIP: Jerry Lieber


"Should I wear my Kevlar hairpiece?" -- From David Letterman's Top Ten Thoughts That Went Through Letterman's Mind After Hearing About a Jihadist Threat He Received

Naked Guy in Rampage...AGAIN...

Story HERE

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dog eats 10k in diamonds...

Story HERE

Man charged with swimming pool theft....

Story HERE

Intruders found in casket

Story HERE

"The Bub" rocks the 1980's

Jerry Lewis VS MDA

Even Tony falls down.....

Friday, August 26, 2011

9/11 Wine?

Story HERE

And then J-Lo farted...


Story HERE


"It's so hot, the terror alert level was raised to 'sweaty.'" -- From David Letterman's Top Ten Answers To The Question, "How Hot Is It?"

Monument to GREED....

Story HERE

Food Network goes BLUE

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bid to be HUGE....

Story HERE

Tara Reid on Honeymoon....

And finally Louisiana's early settlers came up with the name "Baton Rouge".

The Hulkster had him some MAN LOVE?

Story HERE

4 Letters....S P C A

Not the Tokyo Shock Boys

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Criminal Behavior...NOT SO MUCH...

Says NO to Speedo...and sues...

Story HERE

Animal sacrifices at a barbershop?

Story HERE

Penis Amputation trial starts....

Anderson Cooper Loses It...

The Definition of "STRIP-MALL"

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Abercrombie & Fitch has issues with "The Shore"

We are deeply concerned that Mr. Sorrentino's association with our brand could cause significant damage to our image. We understand that the show is for entertainment purposes, but believe this association is contrary to the aspirational nature of our brand, and may be distressing to many of our fans. We have therefore offered a substantial payment to Michael 'The Situation' Sorrentino and the producers of MTV's The Jersey Shore to have the character wear an alternate brand. We have also extended this offer to other members of the cast, and are urgently waiting a response.

Singing Dog....


Story HERE

Surprize Wedding

Story HERE

It's "BURN YOUR BRA" tuesday...

a full set HERE

Bride see's groom eaten by SHARK

Story HERE

And then he pee'd on the plane...

Story HERE

Monday, August 22, 2011

Vampire Caught

Hillary Duff, Prego and on the way to see the Wizard?


"Stop forcing us to live on an inhuman $12 million a year." -- From David Letterman's Top Ten NBA Player Demands

KISS Coffee Shop coming to Las Vegas....

Story HERE

A Special kind of DUI

M. Staples and C. Lauper sing The Weight

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Lego VW: The Video

Jerry Garcia Mini Fig not included....

Obama's Armored Busses....

Story HERE

Hookers arrested in Daytona Beach over the weekend....

When Pro Wrestling and Pro Ice Skating Meet

A Weekend EVERYONE can live without...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

and then we shoot it over the border...


When I was a kid....