Friday, May 31, 2013

The Punchline

“Too many young performers have forgotten that the most important part of show business is not the second word, it’s the first. Without the show there’s no business.” — Liberace

Guy kills child over videogame console

Story HERE

Butt Dialing at Papa Johns

Story HERE

The Smell of Money

Story HERE

Making GOOD from BAD

Story HERE

Scamming the line

Story HERE

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Airlines SUCK

Story HERE

If Cats were Sushi

Story HERE

They need more classes on THE CONSTITUTION

Story HERE

Bill talks about Steve

Story HERE

300k Worth....

Story HERE

Pressure Cookers to be made Illegal in .....

Story HERE

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Traffic Advice...

Story HERE

The Latest Rage

See it HERE

Buffalo Trampling

Story HERE

MySpace is a good place to die, it seems...

Story HERE

Guy Writes Bible

Story HERE

Golden Boy?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Punchline

“Hooters is letting mothers eat for free on Mother’s Day. What better way to tell your mother that she raised a cheapskate and a perv?” — Conan O’Brien

How to stimulate....

Story HERE

No Singing on the plane

Story HERE

Music from ISS

Story HERE

Dolphin Assisted Birth?

Story HERE

Weird Beauty Treatments

Story HERE

Everyone shares, nobody READS...

Story HERE

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Truth about cartoons....OR NOT!

Story HERE

Is it LUNCH yet?

Recent WW II discoveries

Story HERE

7/11 Mothers Day Contest

Story HERE

Silly String: It's all good fun until....

Story HERE

WTF: Thought he was ON THE BEACH

Story HERE

Sunday, May 26, 2013

How far can you drive on a....

Story HERE

When Magicians Steal....

Story HERE

Attractive Mughots

Story HERE

Dr Mistakes

See it HERE

The Punchline

“Why do I feel this somehow ends with Michael Jordan being forced to fly to Pyongyang to sign the ‘Space Jam’ poster hanging over Kim Jong Un’s bed in order to prevent nuclear Armageddon?” — Jimmy Kimmel, on former NBA player Dennis Rodman asking the North Korean dictator to release American prisoner Kenneth Bae.

The Juice is back in court

Story HERE

Saturday, May 25, 2013

70 Year Old beats the crap out of 20 YO intruder

Story HERE

Colorado Taxing Pot Sales

Story HERE

Jodi Arias Trial Photos

Story HERE

Idol Dream Team?

Story HERE

Idol Carnage

Story HERE

Feds Freak over Gun Printing

Story HERE

Friday, May 24, 2013

Downloads for 3D model of Gun hit 100k

Story HERE

Vatican no like Mexican Death Saint

Story HERE

Judge to 'Charlie Brown' voice actor: 'Don't be a blockhead'

Story HERE

The Tree Hugger Lounge Chair

Story HERE

Trolling for Love

Story HERE

Jimmy Carter 1...the rest ZERO

Story HERE

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hosptial Billing VooDoo

See it HERE

Lion Meat Tacos in Florida

Story HERE

Billie Joe discusses " The Herpes of Music"

Story HERE

Beer Punching

See it HERE