Supreme Court Justice into the frying pan...

So with ONE Supreme Court Justice's foot in the grave the lone woman bales out, Sandy "O" has decided shes OUTTA there allowing George W to put his stamp in the most dangerous place possible...
Our girl Sandy was quite often the swing vote on the Rowe V. Wade debates historically, and I think everyone knows about how "MR NO STEM CELL RESEARCH" feels about that issue, of course till his aging parent will need the help, but maybe if your George Bushes parents not being able to remember he's your son is a good thing...time will tell...
Ok, back to the choice, Judge John Roberts, of course I'm thinking replace a woman with A WOMAN, duh, half the country and they are soft to the touch, but nooooo...
I do a little digging on past decisions , R v.W, no...busing....nope... race? naw....FAST FOOD? humm , nows heres one I can sink my teeth into...
As an appellate judge for the District of Columbia, Judge Roberts wrote a decision in 2004 upholding the arrest of a 12-year-old girl who was caught eatting french fries at a Washington Metro station.
He supported the officers arrest ( it is against the law to eat in the station), but he also dressed down the transit police for their handling of the case.
The Judge in his decision told the police they overreacted by taking the girl into custody, removing her shoelaces, transporting the child in a police vehicle and taking her fingerprints -- "all for eating a single french fry."
Sure there are more important issues facing this nation, but character is an important trait and on the surface I'm thinking this one may be ok...time will tell...
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