25 to Life - THE VIDEO GAME

Just when you thought the morality police were asleep, 25 to Life pops up and has Sen. Charles Schumer, a Democrat from New York up in arms calling for retailers to boycott it along with everyone else. (ya dude, you up for re-election soon or what)
"The last thing we need here in New York is to reinforce a destructive culture of violence and disrespect for the law. Little Johnny should be learning how to read, not how to kill cops," Schumer said.
Yo Schumer , last time I checked the evening news was fully of police corruption and the fine legislature was CUTTING SCHOOL FUNDING...
This loser even wants SONY and MICROSOFT to end licensing agreements with EIDOS the publisher...ONCE AGAIN MORON, WHO OWNS GTA?, MICROSOFT YOU LOSER!!!
And of course before that SONY had an exclusive distribution on GTA. YA IM SURE THEY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE LARGEST SELLING VIDEO GAME IN HISTORY CONTAINS and wouldn't want anything like that to continue flying off the shelf.
Video games don't kill people TOBACCO DOES, why don't you work on that or is the lobby too strong for you to complain about the product that when used as directed KILLS YOU and reinforces that fact on the package.
This dork is on the Senate committee for housing, I wonder if he's ever spent one day with Habitat for Humanity?
I'm guessing he missed 1st amendment class in SENATOR school, and the games clearly rated for people over the age of 18...DUH !!!!
One thing is for sure , he screams a little louder and this baby will out sell GTA, a dream come true to video game retailers this selling season.
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