Target sells LAVA LAMP to small town.

The fine Target Corporation has sold The Worlds Largest Lava Lamp to the fine town of Soap Lake Washington. This JUMBO relic from the 1960s has glowed in Times Square in New York for a while and in the words of Bob Dylan, "the times they are a changin"
The city council seems to think that this is their, Golden Gate Bridge, Eiffel Tower and Statue of Liberty all in one, me I'm thinkin this is their BABE the MUFFLER GUY...
There is no under estimating WHITE TRASH AMERICA, when they have a plan, ya just know its coming and that they BELIEVE, its the religous right...
Implimentation...A 5o foot anything wherever it is, is a good thing, Oral Roberts always wanted the 50ft Jesus in Tulsa Oklahoma and he made a living outta it, oh wait that was a 900 foot Jesus that the wacko wanted to prop up, I get these things confused...
The Lava Lamp is proposed to be 60+ feet high with a diameter of 18+ feet.
It is constructed of cast 4-6 inch thick reinforced glass with a structural metal base and top cap. The contents of the lamp will be similar to conventional lava lamps, which contain a combination of liquids and colored treated water.
The base will contain the electrical units that power the lamps to warm and light the contents of the glass cylinder structure.

At mid-point of the structure, where the base meets the glass cylinder, an observation platform with a catwalk surrounding the glass cylinder will be constructed with access to the platform provided by a circular stair weaving up the base from the ground. A fee will be established to access the platform, which will provide money to help finance and maintain the structure. The platform will offer views of the community and the lake.
Bigger is better Soap Lake, I'm behind ya 1000%, and the festival you will hold annually to support this idea,well thats just the sort of excuse I need for a road trip...
I think whats missing now is a 30 foot tall BONG to go right next to it.
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