Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Television Premiere of 'Living Lohan'

The reality television show 'Living Lohan' premiered on E! TV last night...
The picture above is Nana Lohan...she's totally FINE...However, the show appears to be about Dina Lohan's obsession with seeing her name splattered on blogs and TMZ.com.
When she does, she threatens them...whoo hoo!
Her personal assistant's job appears to be hunting for references to the Lohan's name throughout media every morning so Dina can rant about them.
The look on the assistants' face is priceless...it's the "I GET PAID FOR THIS...?" look...

Lindsay isn't on the show but she's mentioned a gazillion times, she's called on the phone and pictures of her appear frequently...DUH!

The show is produced by the guys who own the Palms' Hotel in Vegas and while it's shot on the east coast they seem to get plenty of Vegas product placement...hummm...

PS: It's really hard to say which is worse, but the Denise Richards' SHOW?...OMG! ...it's all about pot belly pigs screwing and Denise wanting to be a WHORE...
The crews working these gigs must be asking themselves, "...why am I doing THIS instead of REAL TV...again...?" about 10,000 times a day...
Los Angeles Times article HERE

PSS: ...and a little shout out this morning to Dina Lohan's assistant..."Hi!", 'cause I know you're reading this...

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