It's White Trash Sports in Spain time, AGAIN !!!

This week a Canadian babe was trampled and a bull lost its horn as the usual collection of nuts hurtled themselves through Pamplona being followed ever so closely by 3 ton of bull during the first full day of Spain's San Fermin fiesta.
Basically six bulls are set rampaging onto closed city streets as part of the annual week-long party, 15 people have been culled from the collective human herd since 1910.
Its rare to see a female enter the race and but lucky us as Alexandra Popovska, risked her butt for all who came to watch.
"The whole herd over ran her in a trampling effect," a hospital spokeswoman said, but added her injuries were not serious. DAR

One animal, chasing a moron who leaping over a fence, became wedged underneath it. After about 15 seconds -- a long time in a less than 3 minute run -- a nutball yanked free of the slaughterhouse special, which then continued down the boulevard looking for someone else to gore and scattering this years moving targets all along the way.
WHY IS THERE NO PAY PER VIEW ?, multiple days of people being ripped to shreds in the city streets and NO PAY PER VIEW, thats the difference between countries, in the good only USA, Ringling Brothers , the WWF or the UFC would have this gem on TV every night at 8pm for $39.95. And I would be GLUED to the TV, when COPS isn't on of course...oh well maybe I need to plan a vacation to Spain for a little closer view of this funfest...

The Pretenders performed a free concert supporting the naked peoples run through town and the head of PETA asked US Defense Czar Don Rumsfeld to run naked with them...Ya we all need to see him naked...until next time...
This year, you can follow San Fermin through the satellite with GoogleMaps and a little bit of hackery. Check The San Fermin googlemap of injured people.
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