Dwarf fired for not smiling at WALMART...

Molly Beavers lost her smile somewhere along her 19-year career of pushing food samples and collecting grocery carts she could barely see over.
HAHHAHA of course she could barely see over them SHES a DWARF hahahahaha...
A Sam's Club manager fired her in December 2003 for not smiling enough, she says. Beavers' face is partially paralyzed from surgery related to her condition as an achondroplastic dwarf.
Dwarf Beavers, 49, filed an Americans With Disabilities Act complaint in federal court Friday, alleging that Sam's Club and parent company Wal-Mart discriminated against her when they fired her.
She claims they knew about her health problems and failed to accommodate her. Duh, look down there she is....
The complaint says dwarf Beavers is seeking a jury trial, but Beavers says she's really seeking an apology and some compensation for the last two years she has been unemployed. (and a step stool so she can turn the TV on in her apartment...)
Wal-Mart spokeswoman Christi Gallagher declined to speak about the lawsuit.
Beavers is also one of the 5,000 women alleging Wal-Mart discriminated against them in a high profile class-action lawsuit that's working its way through the courts.
Although partial paralysis has given our little clown a permanent frown, Beavers said she enjoyed for her food demonstration job.
She commuted by bus each morning for one hour to offer taller people tastes of biscuits and gravy and pigs-in-a-blanket to Sam's Club customers.
She said her problems at work began earlier in 2003, when she tripped in a produce aisle drainage hole and fell to the ground. Her demonstration cart and microwave oven toppled over on her, she said. (they found her trapped in the aisle 3 days later inside the drain)
Beavers filed a workers' compensation claim. Sam's Club did not process the claim nor pay for treatment, the federal complaint states. Hey, she knew she was short when she took the job...
Although Beavers recovered, back problems lingered. When she asked to sit on a stool while working, her manager would not allow it, the lawsuit states. STANDING ON IT IS OK SITTING ON IT IS AN ISSUE...
Beavers said a few older employees were allowed to sit on stools. DUH, thats cause they are TALL...
Later, when new store manager Ralph Lail fired her, he told her it was because she didn't smile enough at customers and co-workers, the lawsuit states. When Beavers explained her facial paralysis, Lail said, "that's no excuse," according to the federal filing.
Ya got to know short people everywhere gotta be pissed about this and if you have been to Walmart recently you will notice everyone is taller clothing racks. A BOYCOTT IS CLEARLY IN PLACE...
Ive been to a dwarf convention and theres nothing funnier than walking into a hotel lobby with a bunch of "little people" carrying around stools so they can get up on the lobby couches and chairs...
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