McDonalds goes to 4th base

McDonalds as you may or may not be aware has outsourced it's drive-though ordering to INDIA, listen carefully next time you order to the accent, then look at the person who takes your money at the WINDOW, you will see a huge difference trust me...
Then there is the issue of a county that WORSHIPS the cow taking continuous orders to eat it...hummm, to resolve this I have taken to asking the order taker when the last time they had a Big Mac WAS?, it makes me feel better and speaking of Big Mac, there was this issue to consider on your next trip to Ronalds House:
India Call Center Staff in Sex Romp Shocker
According to a report in the India Times, which cites the steamy case of 24-year-old "senior process associate" Mandakini Sandhu and squeeze Ashish Gupta.
From making friends to cultivating relationships, these offices are becoming hubs where inter-personal bonding takes place. And it comes as little surprise that many also give way to their sexual urges in the office space."
Sandhu apparently spends 12-13 hours a day doing Ronald McDonalds bidding, so her office is "the only place that allows her to snatch a few cozy moments with her boyfriend". She elaborates: "For us, the office is practically everything. Weird working hours means that most friendships happen usually within the office and in similar working set ups. And in such a situation, intimacy is a foregone conclusion."
For those who like their details in sort-of plain English, Sandhu admits she has gone to "fourth base" with her hormonally-charged colleague, but claims she has "refrained from having a quickie in the workplace as it's quite a risky proposition".
I'm not quite sure what "fourth base" means here, since Indians clearly have a different base system to that understood in the United States of America, But I think that basically the "Special Sauce" option was not put in between the buns... working on a simplified three-base system - understand anything after first base (complete failure to place an order) and 3rd being the actual "event" of delivering the "meal" to the counter...4th base would probably involve something seen only in Swedish DVDs and certainly illegal in the United States.
Why am I discussing this you may be asking yourself?, because it's raining in India and I don't wanna go outside or, THE NEXT TIME YOUR AT THE DRIVE THROUGH AT MCDONALDS. VISUALIZE YOUR HARD WORKING ORDER TAKER, cause theres a good chance they are getting it on while taking your order....or so I hear...
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Great story!
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