Teacher/Student Fashion 101

Ok, so I haven't exactly been living in the K-12 world for say the past 2 decades but it appears things are different than I remember them...
According to a story in the Washington Post the outfits teachers are wearing to work have become a problem in the United States.
Just to quote a few of the restrictions being placed on educators this coming school season, skimpy tops, short skirts, spandex and the ever popular Spaghetti strap are now inapproprate teacher clothing, also if you live in Colorado that includes clothing that exposes "cleavage, private parts, the midriff or undergarments. WOW!! so forward thinking COWBOY UP WHOO HOO...
Down it Georgia its no skirts above the knee , and ties need to be worn 2 or 3 times a week, guess they aren't exactly tied into a rule on that yet.
Over in Louisiana its NO capri pants and Houston says NO to "fu man choo mustaches, its unclear of either of these rules apply to both sexes. I wander if its NO to racial stereo typing or if HOP SING is still got his green card to work in the kitchen next year?
In the Militia state of Michigan a teacher was sent home for wearing a belt buckle containing a POT leaf, HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A GUN SHOW?, the one thing these people should be promoting it the use of a drug to MELLOW them out...gee whiz...
Then theres NANCY ECKERSON of Akron, we all remember her growing up ( hit the link for her photo) she was the mom at the HOUSE OF NO FUN !!!The chance of this MOM buying the beer for the kids friday night KEGGER is ZERO !!!
Nancy spent a tad too much time doing after school bible studies and not enough time in the back seat of her boyfriends car during her formative years, but thats just the vibe I get from the photo...
Over in Blue Field West Virginia its all about the crack of your butt in terms of dress code, its been termed "a private part". You laugh well look at this piece of legislation.
Over in North East Georgia the length of shorts and skirts will not be measured using a student's fingertips. Instead this year, they will have to reach a persons knees. HUH????
Pants and shorts that sag below the waistline will also be a no no . They must be following that Virgina "butt crack rule"?.
Another new rule classifies pointed objects on clothing - like spiked or studded belts, collars and bracelets - as weapons." In California that would basically CLOSE most of the states school but in good old boy Georgia where half the cars have fully loaded GUN RACKS in them, its a huge issue...
Good news though, if you break the rules, they will let you wear a LAB COAT all day...
So what is all this about you ask, school adminstrations who have forgotten what its like to be a kid or a teacher quite possibly?
Shouldn't they be worrying about the quality of the educational product and not some white trash clothing choice or the shop teachers butt crack?, heck when I was in school mine only had ONE HAND, no one seemed to be in a hurry to fix that problem, and that my friends was DISRUPTIVE.
But thats just me...
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