Saturday, July 02, 2005

4th of July: A Time to Remember

When you think the 4th of July one assumes it brings up memories of picnics with your family, M80's, boating trips on the lake you know what I mean...

For the past several years I have given up those rituals and begun a new right of passage. Hollister, the little california town and basis for the Marlon Brando classic The Wild Bunch gets over run with a 58 year old nightmare known as
The Hollister Rally. You know 150,000 Bikers, The Hells Angels, Bubba Blackwell, The Wall of Death and yes The Globe of Death.

The Wall and Glodes of Death are respectfully at the heart of a long gone era, the one where Joey Chitwood would sit on a keg of TNT and be blown into the air 60 feet or roll over one of his cars while crowds cheered...Or where
Evel Knievel would jump too far and miss the landing ramp while the crowds cheered THIS IS WHAT AMERICAS ALL ABOUT...

The idea that any person in this country can at a moments notice enter their family car into a
demolition derby, climb into a wine barrel 40 feet across and drive like a madman while snatching dollar bills out of the adoring crowds hands from above or stand in the middle of a giant metal egg while 2 100cc motorcycles scream around them...THATS WHAT AMERICAS ALL ABOUT...

The circus has not been the same since the BEARDED FAT LADY and
LOBSTER BOY were removed from display by those who objected on the grounds of political correctness...

The time has come to step back and remember those who came before us...

Weirdness is an American tradition that goes back to the very beginning of this country, men in wigs and a guy flying a kite to discover what its really like to be electrocuted...

Don't shun your heritage this summer, embrace it, find a demolition derby,wall of death, globe of death in your area and give those people a hug because without them there would be no
NASCAR, no NHRA or no Power Tool Drag Racing...Heck REDNECKS would have college degrees.

Lets take a moment and remember what this country is really about, Being crazy and weird, just because you can...


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