HOT PRODUCT ALERT - if your a kid

I was amazed, but then simple things that involve no lifting always amaze me...
Now these fine folks have created every parents nightmare FUNSLIDES CARPET SKATES.
Gee the same material that will allow you to scoot a heavy object with ease , when strapped to your feet, well, its INDOOR ICE SKATING AT GRAMMAS HOUSE...yippee....

Of course what would carpet skates be without CARPET PUCK, yes your kids can and will create an entire NHL ARENA right in the comfort of their parents living room.....whoohoo....
Ok, I admit it, if I was a kid, I WOULD BE BEGGING FOR THIS $20.00 gems till I couldn't breath any more....FRICKIN MIRACLES ON ICE...
WELL, I am older and I do have a vision, lets say we unleash these babies on, Westfield Shopping Town, you know those Austrailian shopping mall thugs who seem to buy up every mall in America and make it a clone of itself...see they all have a ton of carpet, why take a chance it hitting a lamp when the WHOLE MALL is clear past the blue line....YESSSSSS....
It's just a thought, I could be wrong...
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