The Culinary Herpetologist

The long awaited update to this classic has just hit the shelves, Ernest Liner's "The Culinary Herpelogist.
Greatly expanded with over 950 herpetological recipes. This is the most comprehensive account of how humans have prepared amphibians and reptiles for consumption.
From historical recipes: Goanna (Aborigine style), Blackfeet Indian Jellied Snake, and Roasted Poison Dart Frog (Campa Indian style), to modern recipes: Turtle Croquettes, Zippy Alligator Dip, and Amphiuma a la Poulette this cookbook contains something for everyone.
Mr Liner is the author of 131 scientific papers and four herpetological species, one earthworm, and one parasite from a lizard have been named after him. ITS GOOD EATS!
Hardcover (ISBN: 1-932871-05-5) $37.95
Paperback (ISBN: 1-932871-06-3) $29.95
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