Monday, March 17, 2008

Mills shows what a Money Grubbing Witch she is...

Heather Mills this afternoon announced that she has accepted a £24.3 million divorce deal before launching an attack on Sir Paul McCartney, his lawyers and the legal system.
Ms. Mills, 40, speaking on the steps of the High Court, said she was hitting out after the judge in the case ruled that details of the divorce should be made public.

It emerged that she had sought nearly £125 million and that McCartney had offered her £15.8million.
Ms. Mills said she was “very, very happy” with the settlement and a summary of the judgment was published today. But the former model will appeal against plans to release it in full at a further hearing tomorrow.

Launching a non-stop stream of criticism, Ms. Mills raged against Sir Paul, the judge and McCartney's lawyer. Ms. Mills also launched an angry outburst against her husband's victory on where their daughter would live and how much she would get each year.

She complained about the judge's assessment of her husband's wealth stating, “He also said that Paul is only worth £400 million. Everyone knows that he has been worth £800 million for the last 15 years. Paul has always wanted it public because he wants to look like generous Sir Paul."

She added: “I can't leave England. Believe me if I tried to go he'd have an injunction on me in a second.”
Speaking to the press, she went on, "All of you that have researched know that it was always going to be a figure between £20 and £30 million, Paul was offering a lot less than that, which you'll see in the judgment ... incredibly sad."

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