Friday, August 10, 2007

Stacks of Thai Tracks

More hot stuff from Thailand. All the vocals are Thai, but this is basically Western pop music all the way from rock to disco to more lounge-y fare, with lots of organ, horn sections and wah wah guitar. "Fawn Ngeo (Dance of the Ngeo)" has some awesome guitar/percussion then bass/percussion trades. Some really freaky sounds introduce "Kwuan Tai Duew Luk Puen (You Should Die by Bullets)" before hitting some serious disco funk, and the disco continues with "Tid Lom Ta Lai (Drinking Whiskey Until I'm Blurred)." Then there’s "Gang Geng Nai Krai Lab (Look Whose Underwear Is Showing)" which has an off-kilter groove while "Na Doo (Very Striking Girl)" is something like Thai hard funk with a strange synth outro. Best of all is the Thai cover of Paper Lace's "The Night Chicago Died" which really must be heard to be believed.
sample tracks HERE


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