Friday, August 10, 2007

Email from :

Dear Friend,
In the most highly exalted name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I greet you. I believe that God has privileged me to send this email to you. I come to you in the name of Jesus. I am an Evangelist by name O.Praveen Babu from India. I am a fresh Bible college student who has completed three years course of B.Th. I am a young man with a zeal and ambition to spread the Gospel in the never reached areas. In this regard I wish to have your prayerful encouragement. If you have any suggestion please don't hesitate. My aim is to win the perishing souls. Please remember my efforts in your regular prayers. At the same time I wish to continue to correspondence with you for a spiritual fellowship. I wish for a reciprocal cooperation in the extension of the Kingdom of God. If you want to ask about me any thing please email me and I will tell you more about myself and at the same time I wish to know about you. I await your reply prayerfully.

Sincerely in the Master's service, Evnagelist.O.Praveen Babu.

Yet another moment where I don't UNDERSTAND...


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