Buck Owens ...Dead, no really I saw him....

Today ,April Fools Day, in a moment best enjoyed if you live in a trailer, Country Legend Buck Owens "layed in state" at a most unusual location, HIS BBQ JOINT the Crystal Palace in Bakersfield CA.

Security was tight, 15 people (in front and behind you) watching those who looked at the singer as he rested in the middle of the dance floor. Photos of the Buck in the casket were a huge concern as I was asked no less than 6 times before I got to the viewing site if I had a camera or cell phone with me...duh...(trust me I tryed)

Flowers were placed in front of the building and surrounding Bucks casket were huge displays of flowers including one with a center featuring a cowboy hat.
All of the people in attendence were given a card as a thank you from the Owens family for paying your respects....(see back of card above)
The funeral will be carried live streaming from HERE, starting at 2pm pst.
In the world of famous funerals I have attended, TWO THUMBS UP BUCK...you are the KING!
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