Militia Madness

It says real-estate foreclosures, unemployment and tight credit "could create a fertile recruiting environment for right-wing extremists and even result in confrontations between such groups and government authorities.
It cites proposed restrictions on weapons as likely to increase membership in extremist groups and expresses concern the groups might try to recruit veterans.
The report also cites concern about anti-Semitism, saying that some groups are blaming the loss of U.S. jobs and home foreclosures on "a deliberate conspiracy conducted by a cabal of Jewish 'financial elites' " in an attempt to recruit members.
The election of President Obama is cited as a key recruitment tool. "Many right-wing extremists are antagonistic toward the new presidential administration and its perceived stance on a range of issues, including immigration and citizenship, the expansion of social programs to minorities, and restrictions on firearm ownership and use," the report said.
CNN report HERE
DHS report (pdf) HERE
...they seem to boast about patriotism the most, but also seem to hate the U.S. government the civil war to your list of things to worry about...
A sweeping conservative indictment
Disagree with Obama? Gov't has eyes on you
US to be awash with hate crimes?
Americans Against Obama
Labels: barack obama, dhs
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