Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lesbian Bat Upstages Dead Bat

DC Comics has killed off Batman twice in recent months, but both deaths have been a less important story in the press than say President Barack Obama making a five page appearance in Amazing Spider-Man. Now, Batman is not only being overshadowed by a wall crawler from a rival comic book company, but the sexuality of one of his potential replacements is a bigger story than the Dark Knight’s own demise.
Yes, a seventy year old, comic book character with a recent half-billion dollar movie can kick the bucket, but it’s not big news until a lesbian gets involved. DC Comics recently revealed that Batwoman would take over Batman’s starring role in Detective Comics this summer. As Fox News
reports Batwoman’s alter ego Kathy Kane is a red-headed lesbian. Fox News also points out that Batwoman wears a figure-hugging black outfit with knee-high red stiletto boots.
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