Bigotry Alive & Well in the OC

Little did he suspect when he put the small brass plaque above the doorway to the Barack Obama Room that he'd receive a backlash.
As with most events and promotions the restaurant holds, he sent an announcement of the small dedication of the Barack Obama Room to his e-mail list of several thousand customers.
At least a half-dozen or so volleyed harsh comments back at him via their own e-mails.
A couple of gems:
"Do not insult us with a Barack Obama room. … You have no idea whether he is a great leader or a hopeless Socialist. You may regret your hasty judgment of what he will do to this country. May you remain Orange County's hidden treasure, with the emphasis on HIDDEN!"
"You must be kidding?" "He didn't do anything yet other than weaken our internal security. Maybe you could house all the Gitmo (Guantanamo Bay) internees there instead."
We'll leave you with this:
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.
Labels: barack obama, bruno serato, guantanamo, orange county, plato
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