A-Rod is a Kabbalah School Drop Out

The 50-year-old singer - whose divorce from Guy Ritchie was granted last week - has so far failed in her attempts to get her rumored boyfriend Alex to share her interest in Kabbalah, a mystical off-shoot of Judaism.
A source at New York's Kabbalah Center, where baseball star Alex had been attending private classes said: "He hasn't even finished Kabbalah 1 (the introduction to the study of Kabbalah) and the majority of the time he has spent so far was for counseling, not study."
Madonna - whose bid to get Ritchie interested in the religion failed after he branded it "weird" and "hokum" - is now said to be considering whether to proceed in her relationship with Alex.
The source added: "This is certainly off-putting to Madonna. She did drag Guy into Kabbalah, she's doing the same now with Alex. But he's bored. He's basically a Kabbalah school dropout."
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Labels: alex rodriguez, madonna
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