The Perfect Dinner Date...

"The Tiff" and her boyfriend decided to have an elegant dinner at Applebee's restaurant in Schererville, Indiana on Tuesday night. They were having such a wonderful time and their evening was almost coming to an end when "The Tiff" started screaming at the top of her lungs. Their waitress quickly rushed over and Tiffany said she found worms in her salad.
The restaurant apologized and the couple left without paying their $57 bill.
Applebee's might have been okay with that, but there was one tiny little problem. "The Tiff", being the 4th grade drop out she is, left her purse at the table. The waitress went through her purse to find contact information and guess what she came upon? A big old container of maggot-like bee-moth larvae.
The police were called and "The Tiff" was arrested.
the story is HERE
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