The Departed 2007: Those We'll Miss the Most

Because she was Lily in an utterly classy way that you wouldn't expect from a sitcom called The Munsters. And she slept with Frankenstein...
Art Buchwald
He recorded his own video obituary for the New York Times. ("Hi, I'm Art Buchwald and I just died...") How COOL IS THAT?!!
Charles Nelson Reilly and Brett Somers
They ruled Match Game and made it the most sophisticated thing a person could do on a weekday afternoon...while wearing a polyester suit.
Tammy Faye Bakker
The Eyes of Tammy Faye made everyone see her in a new light. She befriended, not judged, 'the Hedgehog' Ron Jeremy. And she was all about THE MAKEUP.
Evel Knievel
The helmet. The cape. The walking stick. Even the sound of his name brings up the emotion of COOLNESS.
Labels: Art Buchwald, Brett Somers, Charles Nelson Reilly, evel knievel, Tammy Faye Bakker, Yvonne De Carlo
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