Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Gravy Yards

Vegansexuals are people who do not eat meat or animal products and choose not to be sexually intimate with non-vegans whose bodies they say are made up of dead animals. "It's a whole new thing, I have not come across it before," said Annie Potts, who coined the term after researching "cruelty-free consumers" for the New Zealand Centre for Human and Animal Studies at Canterbury University, asking 157 people about such things as battery hens and sexual preferences.

Many women described being attracted to meat-eaters (whom we'll coin right now as "canivoracious") but said they wouldn't have sex with them because their bodies were made up of animal carcasses. "I believe we are what we consume, so I really struggle with bodily fluids, especially sexually," said one. "I would not want to be intimate with someone whose body is literally made up from the bodies of others who have died for their sustenance," she said.

"When you are vegan or vegetarian," said another, "you are very aware that when people eat a meaty diet, they are kind of a graveyard for animals." OK, we get it. We don't want to have sex with you either. You look like that and smell like garlic.


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