Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The World According to Rupert

FOX, MySpace...The Wall Street Journal
If the state of journalism had you scratching your head before...tighten your sphincter, 'cause it's gonna get worse...
Rupert Murdoch has bought The Wall Street Journal for a measly $5.6 Billion and, undoubtedly will recreate it in his own image.
Because of cretins like Murdoch our once proud institution of reporting the news 'as it happens'...without agenda or corporate whoring or political deal making...has become nothing less than salacious gossip, biased viewpoints and propaganda...a watered down, sugar coated and jaundiced presentation.
Capitalism is based on greed and disgusting pigs like Murdoch perpetuate that which is destroying the fiber of our country.
the Wall Street Journal statement is HERE
Murdoch's not finished yet...story is HERE


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