Saturday, August 25, 2007

Dwarf's Penis Gets Stuck In Vacuum During Performance At Edinburgh Fringe Festival

A performance at the Edinburgh fringe festival, the Circus of Horrors, certainly lived up to its name when one of the unlucky performers had to be rushed to the hospital after his penis got stuck in a vacuum cleaner during his on-stage routine.

Daniel Blackner, aka "Captain Dan the Demon Dwarf," had to be hospitalized after his one-man act went terribly awry, resulting in his penis getting stuck inside a Hoover vacuum, much to Blackner's - and the crowd's - horror.

While the act was supposed to feature Blackner appearing on stage with a vacuum cleaner attached to his genitalia through a special hose, technical difficulties prevented the performance to go as planned. Moments before Blackner was slated to appear on stage, the special attachment broke, forcing the performer to do some last minute improvising.

Unfortunately, the extra-strong glue Blackner used to fix the attachment did not have long enough to dry, causing a most uncomfortable situation for all involved. Blackner's penis got stuck in the device, forcing the mortified performer to be rushed off stage and to the hospital.

"It was the most embarrassing moment of my life when I got wheeled into a packed AE with a vacuum attached to me," Blackner told AFP. "I just wished the ground could swallow me up. Luckily, they saw me quickly so the embarrassment was short-lived."


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