Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Paris, the President, and Accountability: That's Hot!

So it's finally happening: accountability. At long last, a prominent public figure is being punished for serial reckless behavior and the willful denial of its consequences.

Unfortunately, the public figure in question is Paris Hilton, not George W. Bush.

The two have more in common than a privileged background and a reputation for dimwitted pronouncements.

When called to task for continuing to drive after her license was suspended in an alcohol-related reckless driving case, Paris blamed her handlers: "I just sign what people tell me to sign. I'm a very busy person."

When Bush was called to task for invading Iraq under false pretenses, he blamed George Tenet. Those 16 words in his State of the Union speech? He just read what people told him to read.

Read the Article HERE


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