Tuesday, April 24, 2007

VT killer hired escort....

He was Creeping me Out'

"I'm just so shaken by this, I don't know what to say."
Chastity Frye says she spent an hour, all alone, with Virginia Tech killer Cho Seung-Hui last month.

Frye said "He was so quiet, I really couldn't get much from him, he was so distant, he really didn't talk a lot. It seemed like he wasn't all there." (EXCEPT I GOT PAYED)

Frye works for an escort service. She says, Cho hired her, and the two met at a Valley View motel.

She says "I danced for a little while and I thought we were done because he got up and went to the restroom and began washing. And I said, 'well, do you want me to go? I'm going to go ahead and go'. And he's like, 'I paid for the full hour, you've only been here for 15 minutes,' and then he came back in the room. And I started dancing and that's when he you know, touched me and tried to get on me and that's when I pushed him away." (ya cause people never GET ON AN ESCORT)

I asked Frye if she was afraid at that point: "No, because he went away right away." She said she didn't see any guns, any ammunition, and nothing else that made her feel nervous. (I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING BUT HIS WALLET AND PENIS)

When Chastity Frye saw the news about Cho last week, she thought she recognized him. Then, she says, FBI agents questioned her this weekend. Frye says they tracked her down through Cho's credit card receipt. (SHE TAKES THE MASTERCARD....NICE)

"Well, they asked me what happened, and then they asked me if anything stuck out. (WELL YA ONE THING STUCK OUT) They wanted to know 3 words that described him," Frye said. What 3 words did Frye use? "I used dorky, was one of them, maybe timid and pushy, there at the end he was a little pushy." (WAS JOHN ONE OF THE WORDS...?)

Now, she thinks about the victims, and how lucky she was. (AND WHAT A SHAME IT WAS THAT MORE OF THEM WEREN'T CUSTOMERS...)

Frye said "I don't know what to think. I'm just very grateful that nothing happened then. Sometimes I wonder if I could have said something or done something differently or maybe talk to him a little bit more [but] you know, get him to open up? Right. But I wasn't thinking about that at the time. I was thinking, he was creeping me out, I was thinking about getting out of there." (STIFF HIM ON THE SHOW, THATS THE KIND OF SERVICE SHE OFFERS...)


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