Harvard Porn Mag Goes Down

H Bomb Loses Official Status
Campus sex magazine fails to sustain initial hype Nearly three years after its first detonation, H Bomb’s glow has faded.
Although Harvard’s student-run sex magazine is still basking in the aftershocks of the media frenzy it generated, H Bomb lost official student group status earlier this month after failing to meet the requirements for student group recognition.
Said Harvard assistant dean Paul McLoughlin:
That could be, although we're more inclined to believe the magazine's former business manager, Vladimir Djuric, when he says: "The combination of Harvard and sex will always hold a certain public fascination... The media frenzy just snowballed until we printed our first issue." Right. Then everyone saw it. So will the magazine be able to recover from this media version of premature ejaculation?"Perhaps there is just more interest on the outside than on the inside," he said. "Maybe everyone wants to read it, but no one wants to work on it."
McLoughlin said the magazine staff had another chance to complete its registration by last Sunday, but it again failed to meet the deadline.
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