T-Shirt Hell FIGHTS BACK !!!

At T-Shirt Hell they are dedicated to protecting the rights and civil liberties of our customers.
One of these liberties is freedom of expression, and another equally important one is freedom of travel. Both of these rights are supposed to be protected by the Constitution. But we all know that recently the Constitution isn’t worth the parchment it was written on.
Therefore, T-Shirt Hell has decided to make the following offer: if any T-Shirt Hell customer is kicked off of any commercial airline flight simply for wearing one of there shirts, they will provide you with alternate transportation to get you to your original destination.
This transportation includes, but is not limited to, the T-Shirt Hell corporate jet.They will not allow thier customers to be intimidated into wearing less interesting clothing, or forced to cover up our shirts. Or even worse, they don’t want their customers to have to remove their shirts and display their pale, flabby midsections and suffer the taunts of the other passengers. T-Shirt Hell customers are supposed to be subjecting the other passengers to ridicule, and not the other way around.
This is not a joke. But by no means should this be construed as a challenge or a contest. They are not trying to encourage anyone to actively or intentionally engage in an attempt to disrupt operations of a commercial flight. Doing that is dangerous, stupid, and against the law. If you get yourself kicked off for being drunk, abusive, belligerent, having poor personal hygiene, or any form of general disorderly conduct you are on your own.
They are looking to protect your rights, so don’t abuse them. If you are reasonable, and courteous, and are refused passage solely for exercising your constitutionally protected right to wear your favorite t-shirt, they will get you alternate transportation, and pick up the tab.
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