Tuesday, February 03, 2009

'Wet Poons' Crash Super Bowl Party

Everyone's pretending to be shocked about the clip of porn spliced into Comcast's Tucson, Arizona-area broadcast of the Super Bowl. Why? That's how Comcast butters its bread.
The clip (do we even need to mention that it's NSFW?) from ClubJenna's "18 'n' Up Wet Poons", apparently meant to broadcast on the Shorteez channel but instead spliced into KVOA's feed of the football game, is but one of the many porn channels from which Comcast makes a healthy profit. Across the industry, porn accounts for more than a quarter of pay-per-view revenues. Cue a round of handwringing among the media. Comcast customers have better purposes for their hands.
UPDATE: Comcast just released this statement: "We are mortified by last evening's Super Bowl interruption and we apologize to our customers. Our initial investigation suggests this was an isolated malicious act. We are conducting a thorough investigation to determine who was behind this."
more HERE

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