Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sex Education Revisited...

We all remember that embarrassing classroom video instructing us in the broader brushstrokes of the facts of life. But how did films help our parents and grandparents discover where babies came from or the perils of STDs?
Running the gamut from syphilitic soldiers in WW1 to puberty pep-talks for girls to the government's infamous AIDS awareness campaigns, this jaunt through 90 years of sex education films aims to enlighten, entertain and, above all, encourage you to subjugate your passions for the moral health of the nation. The DVD boxset contains such classics as:
  • Whatsoever a Man Soweth (1917) - A warning to WW1 soldiers about the perils of fraternizing with loose women.
  • Maisie's Marriage - aka Married Love (1923) - Maisie learns about birth control in this drama based on the book by Marie Stopes.
  • Deferred Payment (1929) - A turbulent tale of seamen and syphilis.
  • The Irresponsibles (1929) - Careless women share nasty diseases with their loved ones.
  • The Mystery of Marriage (1932) - Birds, bees and bunnies show us how it's done.
  • How To Tell (1935) - Children learn the facts of life.
  • Six Little Jungle Boys (1945) - Six men go off to war, but one is tempted by the sensual pleasures of the East...
  • The People at No.19 (1949) - Joan from No.19 gets an unpleasant shock.
  • Growing Girls (1951) - Mary learns how to survive puberty in this film made to show at girls' schools.
  • Don't Be Like Brenda! (1973) - Oh, Brenda! She behaved foolishly. And now she's suffering the consequences.
available HERE


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