Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Real McCain

Last night the United States celebrated a historic event in the election of Barack Obama for president.
Mr. Obama's opponent, Senator John McCain appeared before a large crowd in his home state of Arizona and gave one of the most gracious concession speeches of all time.
In our opinion, this was the real John McCain; this was the John McCain that we all remember from his 2000 run for president; this was the John McCain we respect; the American hero.
Anyone who heard Senator McCain deliver this speech had to realize that it was heartfelt...he really meant it, unlike the John McCain we witnessed during the final stretch of his campaign.
It seemed that a burden had been lifted from Mr. McCains' shoulders; that he could now speak freely and express his true feelings instead of the scripted smears his so-called advisers had him deliver.
We predict that John McCain will be offered a position on Mr. Obama's staff or possibly a cabinet position; it falls into the notion that Barack Obama is pragmatic and a student of the Lincoln presidency that John McCain has so often involked.
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