Thursday, November 06, 2008

Kudos for Katie

CBS and the rest of the media didn't give Katie Couric a long enough chance to prove herself before the naysaying set in. Like her or not, she's demonstrably different than any other solo anchor on an evening-news broadcast (Those legs! Those eyelashes! Come on, when Dan Rather uncrossed or fluttered, it just wasn't the same), and she needed a long time to change people's perceptions of what one should be. So we were pleased when she hit the ball out of the park this fall with her political coverage, particularly her devastating interviews with Sarah Palin.
Her rising star has not only made life comfortable enough at CBS but according to The New York Times, others are looking to steal her: NBC News executives are currently considering her for the most coveted job in political journalism, as the next moderator of Meet the Press.
more HERE

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