Sunday, December 02, 2007

Holiday Weirdness...

So, like millions of Americans...I went to Walmart today.

No problemo you're thinking...


While checking out I hear an announcement over the loud speaker...

"Will any associate please come to the MEXICAN section"

Three times I hear this announcement, I look around, ask the person behind me if they heard it,' cause sometimes you THINK you hear something and you're wrong...

Guess what...

I HEARD IT CORRECT. I asked the cashier... she was totally confused and said she had no idea where it was... I wonder if Walmart has become like Disney's "It's a Small World?"

From this situation I walk to my car outside, where its now rather dark when I hear a voice behind me say "Hello"...

I turn and face an African American female, late 30's, 200 lbs. plus standing there with her hand extended introducing herself...

I shake her hand, and she starts explaining how her husband had beat her and she spent the night outside and was looking for money to get a motel room for her and her kids which were nowhere in sight...

Then out of nowhere she asks if I "...want to see her surgery staples" (?)

I didn't even know she was sick let alone had been in the hospital for an operation...

So I figure...what the heck; I should get something for my donation this Holiday Season and whammo! ...up comes the shirt from Ms. Walmart Bellylicious and my wallet is an Abe Lincoln lighter...

Why does this always happen to me? Oh well, it's a good feeling knowing you helped someone; especially during the a freak show kinda way...

and now a little musical interlude:



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