Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Vince McMahon -- The New Eddie Murphy?

Now that the Chris Benoit horror has left the front pages, Vince McMahon is finally moving past that whole "death" storyline he was working on and slipping into the always entertaining world of illegitimate children! Pure class, people, who actually sits in meetings and says "NO LETS DO THIS", wait I know the answer, the person in charge of the storyline writers is Vince's daughter Stephanie....hahahahhaa...."lets make dad do this"...hahahahha!

On "Monday Night Raw," the WWE chairman was served with a paternity suit for a child he's "accused" of siring. Expect Vince to challenge the "mother" to a loser-take-baby steel cage match -- where one of them will leave the ring with custody of Mick Foley!

Lets all flash back to the good old days last month when Vince cancelled a televised show after the BENOIT ISSUE to then RUN A 3 HOUR TRIBUTE TO A GUY WHO KILLED HIS WIFE, THEN DRUGGED HIS HANDICAPPED SON AND MURDERED HIM WITH HIS OWN SIGNATURE WRESTLING HOLD....Then of course commited suicide....

Yes that actually is the sound of Vinces father rolling over in his grave repeatedly...


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