Rump Roast

We told you about the Biel Butt seems Jessie's rear end is the focus of her popularity...
InStyle magazine's pre-summer issue included 'Hollywood's Best Bodies' and our favorite big booty starlette was adorned with the 'Shapeliest Rear' distinction...
the caption read:
There's a new tush in town- and it belongs to Jessica Biel.
What's behind her? Well...behind.
Top secret: All you need for a butt-blasting workout is a
rubber exercise band. Biel wraps one around both ankles,
then takes 15 lateral steps (out and back) on each side.
Sounds simple, but it's hard!
What's behind her? Well...behind.
Top secret: All you need for a butt-blasting workout is a
rubber exercise band. Biel wraps one around both ankles,
then takes 15 lateral steps (out and back) on each side.
Sounds simple, but it's hard!
...we lost you at 'wraps around both ankles'...
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