Wednesday, August 15, 2007

More Controversial Art

Known for his photographs of punk rock icons like Iggy Pop and Patti Smith, John Nikolai's "Ask Your Mom How Much I Rock" opened Aug. 6 at ZuZu; a restaurant/gallery in Boston. The show was, admittedly, edgy. There were nudes in refrigerators, infrared photos of animals coupling and shots of punk rockers in various states of undress.
Last Wednesday, Nikolai found the show's centerpiece photograph - an eyeball peeking from within female genitalia - missing...
The photos are out of ZuZu, but quickly found a new home at the JP Art Market in Jamaica Plain.
more of Nikolai's 'art' can be found HERE


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard that artist had a breakdown and that he's a shut-in now. One of my sister's friends modeled for him in his refrigerator in Newport, Rhode Island. He never goes outside but all these models go to him and get tied up in his fridge. She said that he has a ton of cats and that he just keeps vampire movies running all day. Fucking nutball.

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard similar things about him. I heard that he was in a mental institution until he got thrown out for tying up his nurse and leaving her in a refrigerator.

3:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL. He's doing a photo book called Vampire women with nosebleeds. My cousin is gonna be in it. She said that he's ridiculously polite and that he's agoraphobic which is why he doesn't go outside much.

11:49 PM  

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