Thursday, August 09, 2007

Bourne Comes Home, Literally

Universal Studios has actually placed a towering billboard for the hit spy movie on the side of the small Manhattan coop where the film's star, Matt Damon, lives with his family.

The billboard (which is actually one of those scrims that get fastened to a building's exterior) shows Damon's character, Jason Bourne, walking with a gun in his hand.

The advertisement-which is about 15 feet wide and 50 feet high--notes that on August 3 (the day the film opened), "Bourne Comes Home." Home being the United States, not the 3500-square-foot loft occupied by Damon, his wife, and their daughter.

The spot on the side of Damon's building apparently is leased by Universal, which has previously used it to advertise "Man of the Year," a Robin Williams comedy.


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