Paris Hilton Autopsy' Educates New York City Teens

NEW YORK, April 26 /PRNewswire/ -- Paris Hilton's naked "corpse" could
provide an invaluable service to students preparing for prom this season.
An interactive Public Service Announcement featuring the graphic display of
a tiara-wearing, autopsied Paris Hilton with removable innards is designed
to warn teenagers of the hazards of underage drinking. The display also
features Tinkerbell, Hilton's forlorn pet Chihuahua with matching tiara,
and debuts in the trendy Williamsburg, Brooklyn neighborhood where
prom-goers frequently dine, courtesy of Capla Kesting Fine Art.
"Campaign to Rescue Women of Youth" featuring "The Paris Hilton
Autopsy" offers a cadaveric nude Paris Hilton, laid out with twisted body
and opened abdominal cavity on a coroner's table, while her cell phone
remains in her grip. The 'unglamorous' display which includes support
material from anti-drunk driving organizations counters "the disturbingly
glamorized trend of Hollywood's 'girls gone wild'," according to gallery
director, David Kesting.
Paris Hilton, arrested for a DUI last year, previously released a
marginally effective PSA concerning drunk driving. This latest PSA includes
a website by Capla Kesting, which offers high school educators an
icebreaker for discussing drunk driving's consequences. Students are
encouraged to take the virtual field trip at to
view the making of the "Paris Hilton Autopsy" and compete for prizes by
writing Paris Hilton's obituary.
The tableau, created by Daniel Edwards, reminds potential prom queens
no one is impervious to the pitfalls of drinking. Recalling Miss USA's
recent battle to keep her crown through alcohol rehab and Princess Diana's
untimely death due to drunk driving, a skewed hotel heiress's tiara adorns
the lifeless Paris Hilton head.
The PSA also observes the teen pregnancy crisis associated with alcohol
impaired judgment. The "Hilton Autopsy" tragically reveals drunk driving's
heartbreaking collateral damage.
Kesting, advocating teenagers to experience the Hilton display
"hands-on," said, "Paris' internals, which include her small intestines,
and other elements, are removable to assist teens with an empathetic view
of drunk driving tragedy from the coroner's perspective."
UK's Daily Star recently reported Paris Hilton, whose last chilling
portrayal came from 2005's "House of Wax" in a well publicized death scene,
had commissioned Daniel Edwards for a sculpture of her to be placed on Los
Angeles' Sunset Strip.
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