...and the horse you rode in on

It started when the animal's owner had a few too many at a local bar on Monday.
For reasons we may never fully know, he brought his horse with him, perhaps because he was afraid of drinking and driving.
Whatever the excuse, in his alcohol laden fog, the 40-year-old man - identified only as "Wolfgang H." - decided he need a few bucks before he rode off into the darkness.
So he stopped at the nearest ATM, but quickly realized he'd had such a snootful, he wouldn't be able to make it home in the cold.
So he did what any normal drunken idiot would, deciding to sleep it off inside the heated bank vestibule.
But what about the steed named Sammy? This wasn't the wild west and the bank thoughtlessly hadn't provided any hitching posts.
That's when Wolfgang apparently decided to use some horse sense and bring the animal inside with him.
And that's where security cameras and a customer who ventured into the ATM in the early morning hours found both of them. The shocked patron promptly called police, who rode to the rescue.
They woke Wolfgang up (there's no word on whether the horse was asleep, too) and sent him on his way without filing any charges.
But that wasn't the end of the story. It's said bank employees were forced to do a little clean up after the impromptu hotel stop.
If you look closely at the picture, you'll see there are some spots inside the automatic teller booth where Sammy made a few deposits of his own.
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