Orgasms Unraveled
Practice, Practice, Practice
Charles and Caroline Muir’s book, Tantra: The Art of Conscious Loving, details tantric sensuality exercises that anyone can practice.
Spoon in
“You don’t have to wait for that magical moment when you are both in the mood,” says Charles. Create the mood by getting in spoon position, lying down, one holding the other from behind. Be still and synchronize your breathing. This puts you in tune with your partner.
Hit the sacred spot
The G-spot, named after Ernst Grafenburg, MD, is in the upper wall of the vagina. You can touch it through the vaginal wall, about halfway between the back of the pubic bone and the cervix. It’s a small lump that swells as it is stimulated. You may feel like you have to urinate when the spot is first touched, but don’t stop; it gets better and better.
Take time out
Here’s a pause that expresses: When you’re making love, stop moving for two minutes. Synchronize your breathing. Then hold your partner and look intently at each other. Imagine you are sending your energy back and forth. This exercise creates an even greater energy level and allows your lovemaking to be more emotional and less goal-oriented.
Extend the orgasm
Here’s how to elongate the orgasm through breathing. Halfway into the peak of your climax, inhale slowly. Imagine you are sending your vibrant sexual energy to the brain. The feeling of climax continues as you inhale. Then, slowly release your breath, making as much sound as possible. The volume of your sound influences the depth of your orgasm.
Stay abreast
“The breasts need to be touched, without being just a prelude to sex,” believes Caroline. Heat up some scented lotion in the microwave or in your hands. Make gentle circles in the center of his chest. Ask your partner to touch his own breasts. Put your hands over his and learn how he wants to be touched. Have him do the same for you. Show him exactly how you love to be touched.
Touch up your touch
Take five minutes each day to consciously touch your partner. Try to include these types of touch, varying the speed and intensity: nonmoving, stroking, circling, kneading, gentle pinching, scratching and tapping. Bring love, nurturing and compassion into your touch.
© Charles and Caroline Muir, based on Tantra: The Art of Conscious Loving (Mercury House),
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