Miss USA and Her Boobs Leave NYC

Miss USA Tara Conner has been stripped of her tiara and sent packing from the throne. Rumors of Conner's firing have recently been stirring, and the Donald finally confirmed what we were pretty sure of all along. She's allegedly a big-time party girl with a cocaine habit. And she's only 20.
Conner has been booted from her plush Trump Place apartment on the Upper West Side and has returned home to Kentucky. Her air connection options were good (several non-stops leave NYC for both Louisville and Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky daily), but with her record, they probably sent the girl back on the Greyhound bus
If you want to live like a disgraced beauty pageant queen, you should know that Trump Place apartments are actually available to travelers. In theory, at least. A company called A Hospitality Company owned and was renting apartments in the complex as late as this year, but they're now closed.
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