Those Crazy Kids...

May is arraignment month for our favorite pair of Florida exhibitionists. As you may recall, Amber Mumma and Marcelo Gonzalez were arrested last month for lewd conduct after a Tampa cop observed the pair getting busy in a parking lot as strangers watched. Details of the couple's public tryst are contained in a Tampa Police Department report.
A copy of that rather graphic document can be found below. Gonzalez, 23, pleaded not guilty yesterday during a Circuit Court appearance, while Mumma, 19, is scheduled for her misdemeanor arraignment on May 15.

According to the police report, the intoxicated arrestees were spotted pressed up against a car in the parking lot of Peabody's Billiards as several onlookers (including one guy snapping away with a camera phone) watched their outdoor performance. Gonzalez and Mumma, pictured above in Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office mug shots, both work at Moe's Southwest Grill, a Tampa restaurant.

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