Tiny Kiss: The Other Side of the Story

In 1991, at a Little People of America meeting, a young little person by the name of Tim Loomis and veteran midget Joey Fatale had a fiery encounter that would set the tone of their relationship for the next 15 years. Tim, a newcomer to the little people scene, was approached at this meeting by Joey Fatale. Joey told Tim that if he ever wanted to make it big as a little person, Li'l Tim would have to work with him and give him a cut of his money because, as Joey put it, “I'm the big guy in this Munchkinland.” In no small terms, Li'l Tim told Fatale to “Fuck Off”
In the years to come, Little Tim went on to perform on such shows as Richard Bay and Saturday Night Live. His proudest moment came as a star in Woody Allen's 1992 Epic “Shadows and Fog”. Joey Fatale moved on to perform as a sideshow act for Conan O'Brien, playing various roles. His largest role to date has been as Little Jay Leno on The Tonight Show, starring Jay Leno.
Their paths would one day cross again. While sipping scotch at the Lava Lounge in New York City, dressed as Oompa Loompas for Halloween, the manager of the lounge, Andy Hersch, came up to Loomis and Fatale and stated “you guys do this every year – why don't you come up with something different?” Loomis and Fatale put their miniature brains together, and thought short and hard. They would brainstorm for hours upon hours. While looking through some old CD's, they came across the Kiss “Destroyer” album, and that's when it hit them – Mini Kiss was born that day.
Mini Kiss would do shows every couple of months. The Yellow-Brick Road to stardom was a rocky one, with Tim and Joey butting heads all the way to the top. Li'l Tim was earning instant celebrity status while Joey was busy fighting with his inner demons. Tim was banging all the groupies while Joey was watching from the background. Joey, using his strong-arm tactics, got the other band members of Mini Kiss together against Loomis, and in a fit of jealousy, kicked him out. Li'l Tim was heartbroken, the band having been the cornerstone of his life's work. Tim vowed to one day get back at his arch nemesis.
Li'l Tim became a headliner for Beacher's Madhouse at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas . Jeff Beacher, the mastermind behind Beacher's Madhouse, had been talking to Joey Fatale, and hired Mini Kiss to perform at the Madhouse, telling Joey that the only way he would put Mini Kiss onstage is if Li'l Tim Loomis was behind the drums once again. Joey agreed to put his jealousy aside and work with Tim Loomis once more.
Things really started heating up for Mini Kiss when they performed at the Madhouse, their first real gig in Las Vegas . They became so hot that they began receiving offers from all over the world. Li'l Tim never had forgiven Fatale for throwing him out of Mini Kiss. While working at Beacher's Madhouse, Tim had become a prophet in the world of little people. All the dwarves looked up to him. Tim devised a plan to kick Joey and the rest of the band to the curb in retaliation for what they had done to him.
Tim eventually found strength to finally get back at Joey when he met Shorty Rossi, Wee Matt McCarthy, and their much larger friend, Big Beth Mara. Together with Tim at the helm, they formed their own Kiss Satire Band, Tiny Kiss. After only two weeks of practice the band was ready for their first gig. On February 25 th , 2006 at Beacher's Madhouse in Las Vegas at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Tiny Kiss performed for the first time. Little Tim took out his drumsticks as a tear escaped his eye and tapped his sticks together three times. Tiny Kiss began to play, and the crowd roared with approval. In Li'l Tim's mind, he was finally even with the evil Fatale.
Li'l Tim knew this was the beginning of something great, and the music world hasn't been the same since Tiny Kiss came on the scene. Tiny Kiss became so popular that the Prince of Saudi Arabia flew them to his homeland and even let them stay in their own wing of his palace to play in front of the Prince and a dozen of his friends.
Tiny Kiss has been playing to sold out shows ever since. They have even signed a 2-year, $1.5 Million deal to play at Beacher's Rockhouse in Las Vegas every night at 9PM beginning July 1 st , 2006.
Tiny Kiss consists of:
- Li'l Tim Loomis on drums.
- Wee Matt on bass guitar.
- Shorty on lead guitar.
- Big Beth on lead vocals.
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